Proverbs 1: 5 Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance,
The purpose of Proverbs is to impart wisdom and Godly guidance to the readers. Reading, hearing or being shown wisdom and instruction is not enough. It requires action on the part of the readers.
This proverb sets up the rest of the book of Proverbs. The wisdom, instruction and guidance is available to all. Biblical wisdom and guidance is shouted in the streets, it is shown and discussed daily. It is available to everyone. But many don’t listen. Many don’t believe and most don’t’ want to follow it.
I have a choice. Biblical guidance is available to me. I can read it. I can hear it and I am shown examples of it regularly. But following it is more than just knowing it and hearing it. It is a choice I must make on a daily basis. There are three things I must do regularly in order to stay true to God’s word and have a chance at growing in His wisdom.
I must listen to the advice
I must know it.
I must apply it.
I can’t apply knowledge unless I know it. I can’t know it unless it is shared with me. But, I am simple. Every time I read Proverbs I recall many of the same words of advice that I have read before. Yet I still need reminded of the simple truths. I still find myself in places I don’t want to be or should not be not by God’s choices but by mine. I am reminded of the areas of my life that I know God doesn’t want for me. It hurts to be reminded of areas of your life that are out of sync with God’s will and would have been avoided had I listened to God, known what His word said and applied it to my life.
I must continually surround myself with other Godly people. They help remind me of what and who I am to be.
I must continually stay in the word. I must study the word and know the word. One day out of the word is one day in the world. The world doesn’t care about me. The Word does. The word serves as a daily reminder.
Help me to hear. Help me to listen and help me to apply the Godly wisdom found in your word. Let your word serve as a reminder of who I am to be and how I am to do your will. Bring Godly men into my life to serve as mentors and examples of how I can serve in similar situations.
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