Good Life Journal – Galatians 6


Galatians 6

Vs. 1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.

Vs. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Vs. 5 For each will have to bear his own load.

Vs. 17 … I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.


There is a lot of “bearing” happening here.
People are told to “bear” others burdens.
They are also told to “bear” their load individually.
And Paul reiterated his authority and due respect as he “bears” the persecution of Jesus.


Trouble and struggles in life have not and will not go away just because Jesus rose from the dead.
Paul endured exceptional turmoil to the point of having physical scars on his body, as Jesus did.
And, yet, Paul has undergone such a spiritual transformation that he exhorts his fellow believers to be “gentle” with others who are struggling.
Keep in mind that Paul is the guy who oversaw and sought out the stoning of Christians.
This guy was previously anything but “gentle”.
I must remember this.
When I lose patience or get frustrated with others, I can’t use the excuse of “well that’s just who I am”.
No, I’m a new creation.
I just let the spiritual fruit of gentleness and self control flow from me.
It is this spiritual transformation that enables me to “carry another’s burden”, while also “carrying my own load”


Thank you God for Your wisdom.
Help me live it out with others today.
Help me see others the way you see them.
In Jesus name,


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