Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


Psalm 119:71 It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes.


Sometimes it takes suffering to realize we are dependent upon God. It is often only at our lowest when we finally look up. When we are high we often think we are the reason we got to this position. We rely on our self and not God for his wisdom.


I must trust God in all situations. Everything is His making. He knows best. It is His timing. It is for His purposes. I may not understand or ever even know His purpose. I am to call on Him in good times and bad. Remember that life is peaks and valleys. God is with us through all of the times. I must be thankful at all times. Reliant on Him at all times.

I must “turn to learn”. I must turn to God and study His statues. In school we study to learn. I must study God’s word to learn it. I must read, think on it, understand it and then apply His word.

Lastly, I should be thankful for the low times because it makes us focus on Him.


Thank you for being with me at all times. Thank you for providing your word and your son. Help me to understand your word and apply it to my life.



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