Good Life Journal – Psalm 32


Psalm 32:1 – “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.”


Psalm 32 is a psalm written by David. It discusses the theme of God’s faithfulness to forgive when we confess. Throughout the psalm the pattern is shown, when we acknowledge our sin to God, He is faithful to forgive us.


Although this seems so basic it goes against our initial reactions when we sin. Even back in Genesis we see the first thing that Adam and Eve do after sinning is cover themselves and hide. We react in shame and in fear. Should we accept our sin? Of course not. However, we must resist the lie that God is “out to get us”. Instead what Psalm 32 and the whole of scripture shows us is that God’s wrath has been poured out on Christ and therefore we are covered by him. We can run to God in our brokenness and know that He is faithful to cover us and to forgive us because Christ is enough.


God thank you for the amazing truth that Jesus is enough. In the middle of sin and brokenness you still forgive us and you cover us with your love. Help me today to not run away from you and believe the lie of shame. Instead, let me draw deeper into intimacy and relationship with you.


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