“For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep…”
Acts 13:36a
Serving the purpose of God in my generation…David’s vision. Is it mine?
I am at that time of life that I think about my obituary a little. This scripture reference has gripped me for years.
David: A man after God’s own heart.
David: Died, having served the purpose of God in his generation.
What am I like? What fills my eyes every day? What fills my mind every day?
When I gaze on the horizon of my life, do I stand solid on the Rock? Or am I paying attention at all?
Lord God: You said “without vision, the people perish.” There are a few things that you have provided vision upon. This is one. I want to serve You with all my heart (dark and stony as it is). At the end of my days, may it be said “He served the purpose of God in his generation.” I wholly trust You to bring that selfishly and silently to pass, O Lord of my life. Thank You for the reconciliation of the Cross. AMEN.