Vs 10 “Paul … concluded God had called us …”
Vs 14 “… we sat down and spoke to the women …”
Vs 18 “… Paul, having become really annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.”
Vs 23 “And when they have inflicted many blows up on them, they threw (Paul and Silas) into prison …”
Vs 25 “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hamster God…”
Paul has received his call from a vision to go to Macedonia.
Paul is “immediately” obedient to this call to go.
There is much turmoil on this journey, however.
He must interact with many strangers.
He also encounters supernatural spiritual warfare.
What’s more, many in the city physically abuse him and he is thrown in jail.
Yet, even with all that he is singing and praising God!
When do I feel like I am living “God’s will” for my life?
There is a temptation to think when things are going smoothly I am in God’s will and when things going “wrong” or “tough” maybe I’m not in “God’s will”.
What a transactional mindset.
What a consumer mindset.
(I “do good” for God, then He “does good” for me, right?!)
Why would God’s will not be fraught with peril or risk taking?
We are in a fallen world.
Am i’m unwilling to even engage in some awkward social interactions with strangers?
Do I ignore the invisible spiritual world at work around me?
Just because I am living in God’s will do I think injustice could not come my way?
These were a regular occurrence in Paul’s life and what was his response to God?
Singing and praising Him!!
And I think it is noteworthy that Paul praises God while he was in jail unjustly!
I’d like to think I would do the same thing, but I am afraid my praises for God may be reserved for when I was released!
I must praise God during the turmoil, during the struggle, even during the socially awkward encounters.
God does not promise a smooth journey in His will.
He promises to be with me on that journey!
Thank you again God for your word.
Help me see your vision for my life.
And to give me the courage to act on it obediently and immediately.
Help me Holy Spirit to sing praises when I am in whatever jail I may feel like and not just sing when I am released.
In Jesus name,
Sent from my iPhone
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