Acts 17:11 Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.
Paul showed us an example of how we are to spread the word. The men and women of Berea showed us an example of how we are to receive the word.
Paul spoke boldly of Christ wherever he went. First to the believing Jews and then to the non believers.
Wherever and whenever he went he spoke out of love and obedience, not out of condemnation or hate. Pal obviously knew that what he preached and how he was living was not a popular message. But, like Paul, wherever I go, and whomever I meet with, they should see an example of God’s word and truth in my life. I need to wrap myself in boldness that comes with the word of God.
On the flipside, we are also given an example of how to receive the word. Like a map that is used to guide people to a specific destination, the Bereans used scripture to seek and determine the true path. They received the word, examined the scripture daily to see if what was preached was true. God’s word guided their life so they would not stray. I need to study daily. I need to use God’s word as a map for my life.
Give me the spirit of boldness. Help me to be consistent in my message and in my manner. Let me receive the word in a manner that honors you; always studying, always being consistent and speaking the truth in love.
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