Good Life Journal – Acts 18


… Paul was occupied with the word, testifying to the Jews that the Christ was Jesus. v5


Paul was consumed by the Word, he had seen it, he had caught a glimpse that Jesus was the Christ and he was compelled by that reality. He was occupied by it.


Very simple: Are we occupied by the Word? Are you occupied by the Word? Am I occupied by the Word? Does it consume me, is it all I think about it?

If it isn’t we have a very simple application: go to it. Sit in it. Read it. Meditate on it. Do really practical disciplined things to make it so. Set a schedule for when you are going to read it, wake up earlier, go to bed later, whatever it takes. If we come to the word, we cannot help but become occupied by it.

The word is consuming and worth it. We find Jesus in it, on every page and line. Go to it.


Give me, give us, give the family at Good Life the grace, the power to be consumed by the Word, to go to the word. Kill off all the sin in our hearts that makes excuses for why we can’t go to the word, why we don’t have time, or whatever it is. Give us eyes to see you on every page!