Acts 22:9
9 Now those who were with me saw the light but did not understand the voice of the one who was speaking to me.
Paul is sharing the story of his transformation with Fathers and sons in hopes they will hear of this testimony and turn from their sin and follow Jesus. This way is the way that Paul as Saul persecuted yet in a moment bowed and then followed because of his interaction. What interesting is that Saul saw and heard and was changed. The men with Saul saw but heard of which they did not understand…..we don’t hear of them being changed to follow the way….
What is seen but not heard changes nothing. MANY people saw Jesus but did not hear him and left confused and frustrated and in many cases angry. These men with Paul saw the light but could not understand the voice….why? Sin in their life? What else hinders is from hearing Jesus? I know one thing many people would see Jesus heal and would believe and Lord willing they were changed!!! But men that saw and HEARD Jesus changed the world. When I hear clearly from Jesus I am always filled with Joy and inexpressible passion to share what I HEARD. Faith comes from HEARING and HEARING the word of Christ. Romans 10:17
Couple things
-Do I position myself to not only see Jesus move and reveal himself but also HEAR from Jesus.
-Am I listening when Jesus speaks to me or am I distracted with life when he does?
-Am I sharing what Jesus has said.
-Do I know his voice and what he is saying?
Father God thank you for speaking through your Son Jesus and by revelation of your spirit. You are Good Father and I pray I hear you everyday and I am placing myself before you to hear you. Take all distractions away and speak to me Jesus. Let your voice and words change me.
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