Acts 5:38-39 – “So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!” So they took his advice
In Acts chapter 5 the disciples of Jesus are facing difficulty because of their preaching of Jesus. They were imprisoned for preaching, God released them, then they went right back to the public to preach about Jesus again! The disciples were put before the Jewish council to be silenced but one of the leaders made a prophetic claim we see in verses 38-39. The idea being that if what the disciples were saying was untrue then it would not survive but, if what they are preaching is true then who could possibly stand against God?
These words in Acts chapter 5 have proved prophetic because to this day over two thousand years later Jesus’ church is still thriving and the message of the disciples is still being preached! How amazing that I get to continue in the legacy of believers knowing that God has promised to build His church. The disciples were so compelled by the message of Jesus that they couldn’t stop speaking about Him. I want this zeal and devotion in my life.
God thank you for your promise to build your church. Thank you for the amazing gospel of Jesus and that I am free! I pray that the same zeal of the disciples would be found in me and that I would proclaim your truth to my community.
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