Good Life Journal – Acts 8


Acts 8:10-11
They all paid attention to him, from the least to the greatest, saying, this man is the power of God that is called great. And they paid attention to him because for a long time he had amazed them with his magic.


Stephen is dead, Christians are saddened yet empowered and evil is knocking at the door.


What is evil God can teach for his glory and goodness. People paid attention to Simon the magician and believed him because he was consistent with what he was living and providing. HE WAS CONSISTENT.
Wow, am I consistent in following Jesus? Am I consistent living out the Gospel in front of people. At least one thing Simon the magician did was be consistent to the evil he presented. He was bad and was not of God yet God is using his wickedness to teach his children consistency is key to winning people.
Jesus was always with his people and he was the same the first to the last day he was with them. We trust God because he is consistent with us… people trust me and my voice in their life because of my consistency in their life?
Share life has to be done through consistency and longevity!!!

Couple of things:

-I have to be consistent meeting with God and be in it for the long run not the short sprint.

-I have to know that my transformation takes time, but know people and most of all God is watching.

-be consistent and be in it with people for the marathon! Be consistent with them and win them with dedication to them!


Father forgive me for being flaky at times and honestly most of the time. Help me pursue you DAILY and meet with you regularly. Help me committed to your mission and be committed to my family and others


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