Acts 9:15 But The Lord said to him, “Go. For he (Saul) is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name…”16 for I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name. 20 And immediately he (Saul) proclaimed Jesus …
24 … The Jews plotted to kill him.
27 Barnabas brought him to the apostles and declared to them … how Saul preached boldly in the name of Jesus.
31 … And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the church multiplied.
Saul is chosen by Jesus to “carry the name” Jesus.
Jesus then says Saul “must” suffer for the sake of the name Jesus!
After a few days with the disciples, Saul “immediately proclaimed” the name Jesus.
Then his life is threatened.
Yet, the church is described as “walking in the fear of the Lord” and “in the comfort of the Holy Spirit”.
What is this resulted in? The church multiplied!
Do I believe I am chosen to “carry the name” Jesus? Yes!
Do I believe I am chosen to suffer “for the sake of the name” Jesus? … “Wait, what?!”
This is exactly what happened to Saul!
Do I believe I am somehow more special than Saul?
It seems there’s a relatively simple flow of events:
Carry the name.
Proclaim the name.
Suffer for the name.
Fear the Lord.
Be comforted by the Holy Spirit.
And then what happened? The church multiplied!
So, by “simple”, I mean simple to see … and read … in hindsight.
What does it look like “for me” to carry and proclaim Jesus?
What does it look like “for me” to suffer for the name Jesus?
What does it look like “for me” to fear and be comforted by the Lord and Holy Spirit?
Well, the first thing Saul does after regaining his sight is get baptized. There is immediate obedience and humility is response to making Jesus Lord!
Then, Saul is described multiple times as “bold”.
I don’t know if I’ve ever heard “bold” used to describe someone who is also “obedient” and “humble”.
I cannot be all three of these in my own strength.
“Obedient” and “Humble” while also “Bold”.
This is a supernatural combination.
To be all these simultaneously, I must rely on the name of Jesus, the fear of the Lord, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
This is what I’m chosen for.
God thank you again for your word.
Thank you for speaking into the lives of others so that I may have examples before me.
Give me fear of the Lord to comfort of your spirit and a supernatural boldness to proclaim the name Jesus.
And Lord, may the result of this be the multiplication of your church!
In Jesus name,
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