Colossians 1:10 So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
Paul is thankful for these brothers and sisters in the faith, and as all of the churches he writes to he is praying for them and desiring to see them grow in the Lord. He setting for them the foundation of their faith in Christ in this chapter. Jesus the originator and one whom holds ALL things together and whom ALL things were made through and for. This is powerful and takes me off the throne and elevates the Christ. Paul then lays out what walking worthy of the Lord looks like and what comes from it.
This verse hits me pretty hard. Fruit will be produced the EVERY good work and my knowledge of God through Christ should increase at the same time. Knowing that what pleases God, fully pleases God, is myself walking in a manner that is worthy of him can easily discourage me knowing how much I fail at this. So many times I seem to think that just reading my bible and doing spiritual things will bear fruit, where Paul is super clear here. The fruit that is produced in the manner of the Gospel is produced through good works. Works does not produce my faith, it affirms and grows my faith. So many times I desire to see fruit in my life from the spirit, but I am not willing to labor to see it, or I am doing things for myself and my pride rather than for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Fruit does not get produced in stormy and dark conditions, and that is the condition of my heart when I serve or love people with selfish motives.
Father, may I serve you in this world with a pure heart. Forgive me for not serving you and your kingdom in a manner worthy of you. Change my heart and mind and let my life be a response rather than a plea for your approval. Thank you for loving me even when I don’t love me.
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