Colossians 4:12-13
Vs 12 Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ Jesus, greets you, always struggling on your behalf in his prayers, that you may stand mature and fully assured in all the will of God.
Vs 13 For I bear him witness that he has worked hard for you and for those in Laodicea and in Hierapolis.
Paul gives reference to many fellow workers for the gospel as he close his letter to the Colossians.
Here, though, for Epaphras, he gives an effusive description of what he is doing.
This is way more than, “Epaphras says ‘Hello’”.
Paul can’t help but let them know he is a “servant of Christ Jesus” and “struggling for them” and “worked hard for them”.
I am not sure I have ever heard this name, Epaphras, ever mentioned in the 1,000’s of gospel messages I’ve heard in my life.
Yet, I am also not sure if I have ever heard a better two sentence description of a person in my life.
We name our kids after Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and Paul … but I’m thinking now Epaphras needs to make a comeback.
Paul (the guy who says pray without ceasing) describes Epaphras as “always” struggling in his prayers. Yet, not even for himself.
He prays “on your behalf”!
Paul (the guy was says he worked harder than anyone) describes Epaphras as “worked hard for YOU” … AND those in Laodicea … AND this is Hierapolis.
Paul also, as he often does, has an interesting juxtaposition.
He says Epaphras is “always struggling” so others may “stand mature and fully assured”.
And what does Epaphras want them to be fully assured of? “All the will Of God”!
I struggle in prayer for myself.
Can I be so mature in Christ and so fully assured of the will of God, that I would struggle in prayer for others?!
I suppose sometimes … but “always”?
Me “struggling” for others “full assurance”. … This is a worthy endeavor.
Two thousand years after this man’s life, here are two sentences written by the major writer of the New Testament that encapsulate an actual life well lived.
This wasn’t a command or a desire or a hypothetical example.
This was a real life that Paul saw and spent time with.
May I, too, be a servant of Christ Jesus.
May I, too, always struggle in pray for others full assurance.
May I, too, work hard for others in my city and those surrounding it.
Thank you, Epaphras, for your example and legacy for Christ.
Thank you God for your word
Thank you for the examples you give me of others
Help me Holy Spirit to live in obedience to all your will
Open my eyes to pray for those who need your assurance
In Jesus name
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