Colossians 1:13-14
“ He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
In Colossians chapter 1 the author speaks to the identity of those who are Christ followers and gives God praise for the work of Jesus. Verse 13 speaks to the “transfer” that has occurred for those who are in Jesus. They have been moved from one kingdom into another. Their allegiance is no longer to the “domain of darkness” but instead, the work of Jesus has “transferred” them into the kingdom of God.
This chapter reminds me that my identity is rooted in Jesus. I still have my flesh that may desire the kingdom of darkness but my soul is redeemed, forgiven, and I belong to a better Kingdom. Today, I don’t want to live out of my old identity of bondage and darkness. I long to live in my true identity, within the Kingdom of God!
Thank You Jesus that you have transferred me into Your kingdom and that in you I am forgiven and redeemed! Help me today to walk in my true identity and glorify You, my King.
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