Good Life Journal – Ephesians 2


Ephesians 2:7

so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus


  Paul not only tells us the “what” but also the “why”. The “what”- He saved us through His grace. He forgave us when we had no chance. He made us righteous when we were the furthest from it.  But why? Why would God do this? Why would Jesus sacrifice so much for us? The scripture teaches us that the “why” is because through it He might continue to show us the immeasurable riches of His grace and kindness towards us in Christ. Through Christ’s sacrifice, resurrection and continued relationship of grace with us through the Holy Spirit, God continually shows us His grace. His immeasurable grace. His grace that never runs out. The grace of God is not a limited resource. THANK GOD FOR THAT!


 Wow. Blown away by His grace this morning. A handful of things.

 -If I want to know what grace is, look no further than Jesus.

-If I beat myself up over sin I must realize the stupidity. He doesn’t beat me up over my failure but instead offers me immeasurable grace.

-I must allow this realization to fuel a life in response to grace. I must live gracefully because that is the continued example of Christ towards me.

-I follow a Savior of unlimited grace. My life must be marked by this. Not simply as a receiver of it, but a sharer as well. I must share grace today. When I am graceful, I look the most like Jesus.


 Oh, amazing grace. I pray I never get over it. May my life be marked and overflowing with grace.


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