Ephesians 5:4
4 Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.
Walking in love and honoring the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ is what we are called to. Walking in a manner that is worthy of Christ and not in step with the disobedient of which the wrath of God is coming is what we are called to. The temptation to old self is there and won’t go away, yet the calling is much higher for the saints and children of God.
Speech is important. Words carry weight. Words tell stories. Words or spoken and the Gospel is heard through words. I am truly convicted in this passage today as I can find myself joking inappropriate manners, talking about people, saying words I should not say that are not honoring to the Lord. What is communicated is that this type of talking and speech is out of place among the believers. The beauty of this passage is that God gives us what not to stay and gives us what to say. Let our words and mouths sing thanksgiving and psalms and hymns. A culture that is built on words and what we say to each other and how we dictate value based on how we respond and speak into people we must take what God is saying our words should be used for. What is in place for me is thanksgiving and praise. Also, building others up and encouraging others and giving grace to the hearer.
Father, help me love people. Help me use my words to love people enough and help me to see my faults and sin and repent. Help me, Jesus, to honor you and walk in obedience with my speech.
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