Genesis 41:16 –Joseph answered Pharaoh, “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.”
Pharaoh has heard from his cupbearer that Joseph can interpret his dream. When asked by Pharaoh to interpret his dream, Joseph tells Pharaoh that he can’t but God will provide an answer. Joseph recognizes and lets Pharaoh that God is soverign and Joseph gives all the credit in all things to God.
I must recognize, like Joseph that our God is soverign in all things. Joseph has been sold by his brothers into slavery, yet he doesn’t question God, he allows God to work in him and through him. In everything I do, I must seek God’s will to use me. Whatever I do is not of my own, rather to point to God giving Him the glory.
Thank you for loving me so much that you want to know me. Let me realize that you are soverign over all things. Help me submit to you in all aspects of life and use me that my story be for your glory.