Scripture :
“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.” – Hebrews 10:14
Observation :
The writer of Hebrews continues on the theme of showing Christ as the fulfillment of the Old Testament system. Where as the was once a need for high priests and sacrifices and the tabernacle. All have been fulfilled in Jesus. He is the high priest of the believer, the one and only sacrifice, and now believers are the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit.
Application :
The sacrifical system required people to “do” something to be in relationship with God. In Christ he has “done” it all for those who believe in Him. I have a choice today to live in striving and “doing” or I can rest in who Jesus is and what He has done. Today, I want to live fully in Christ.
Prayer :
Jesus thank You for your sacrifice and fulfillment. Help me today to live and rest in You.
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