Good Life Journal – Hebrews 11

Journal Heb 11 (all references are from the ESV unless noted otherwise; changes in punctuation are mine)

Scripture: Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

For by it (faith) the people of old received their commendation. (Heb 11:1-2)

By faith, Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies. (Heb 11:31)

Observation: Question: Is faith heroic?

Analysis: Turning the first part of Hebrews 11 around, I hope for things (like salvation) and faith is the assurance of that. No matter that I can’t see salvation, I have faith that Jesus died once for all time for my sin, bridged the separation of my ungodliness to His Holiness, and because of his unchangeable Word, I have conviction that my faith is not placed in vain.

Wow, mouthful: and I probably could have written more.

But that is the point of journaling: to write down those thoughts, examine them in the light of quiet time between you and the Holy Spirit, to see if I am getting any of this right, and hone (sharpen) my heart and mind—training myself for godliness and sharpening my powers of discernment (see Sat 092422 post).

How heroic do I imagine myself? Oh, my goodness, totally heroic. Angling and aspiring to be somebody cool in heaven.

How heroic do I practice? If I remember that if I in any way angle for any kind of praise in this life, that’s all I will probably get:

Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people IN ORDER to be seen by them—for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.” (Matt 6:1)

Therefore, commit to attempt to keep heroism secret? Yeah, I think that is what the Scriptures plainly say. If God wants heroism publicly revealed, His prerogative.

So, what is the point about Rahab? If I go through the Hall of Heroes, my goodness what a list. Cutting to the chase, though, Rahab was added to the list of heroes by…being friendly? (Holy Spirit’s word, not mine)

Therefore, can serious disciples of the Faith be practicing daily heroism by:

  • Smiling?
  • Being friendly at the Grocery Store? Fast food drive through?
  • Waving appropriately at strangers?
  • Asking a sincere “How are you doing?”
  • Practicing hospitality (no matter how big or small)
  • Giving of alms?

I used to sell cars for a living. I knew some brothers in the faith that reminded me of…me, a used car salesman by the way they practiced evangelism, trying to “close the deal”. Foundation of Evangelism One: Preach the Gospel, point to the Kingdom, leave the conversion to the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thanks for pointing out Rahab today. Gives me faith and conviction to pursue intentional godliness.


Ricky Two Shoes