Vs 2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies,
who seek him with their whole heart,
Vs 6 Then I shall not be put to shame,
having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.
Vs 10 With my whole heart I seek you;
let me not wander from your commandments!
Vs 13 With my lips I declare
all the rules of your mouth.
Vs 14 In the way of your testimonies I delight
as much as in all riches.
Vs 20 My soul is consumed with longing
for your rules at all times.
It strikes me this morning the broad, wholistic, fully encompassing language the psalmist is using here.
The psalmist wants there to be no part of him not seeking the Lord.
He will seek with his “whole heart”.
And the psalmist will seek with his whole heart the entirety of God’s Word.
He will have his eyes fixed on “all your commandments” and declare “all the rules”.
What’s more is, this will not be a trudging or somber endeavor.
It will be a “delight” to seek the lord and His commandments.
Still using full language, the psalmists delight will be as much as “all” the Lord’s riches.
And this is not a temporary or occasional effort or occurrence.
The psalmist will be “consumed” “at all times” for the rules of the Lord.
Do I like “rules” and “commandments”?
I suppose some of them. Usually the ones that are easiest for me to keep.
But here the question isn’t merely liking or putting up with some rules.
The real question becomes, “Do I delight in God’s rules and commands?”
That’s a whole new appreciation for “rules”.
How can I grow in appreciation and love and delight for commandments?
I need to grow in appreciation and love and delight for the One who created those commandments.
When I trust the heart of the Commander, I follow with delight the command.
I will know the command is what is best for me.
Ultimately, when I rebuff or push back against the commands and rules of God, I am pushing back against my own good.
Who does this? Fools. Naïve adolescents. Obstinate toddlers.
When I divide my adherence to God’s Word, and make choices about when I will follow or what I will follow, I reveal my own stubbornness.
So, I need to take account of my life and days …
What am I delighting in?
What do I see as valuable?
Where are my affections … what is my heart in?
When am I longing for Him?
The answer must be …
I delight in “all” his word … more than “all” his riches … with my “whole heart” … at “all times”.
Thank you God for you Word.
Open my eyes to delight in it the way you want me to.
Help me see your love for me in your commands for me.
Lead me Holy Spirit to live it at all times
In Jesus name
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