Hebrews 4:13
And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account
People either entered or did not enter the rest of God that was offered. Obedience and faith enters and disobedience and hardened hearts does not allow entrance.
So many times I say with my mouth that I am thankful for the grace of God and my place before him is I the cross….yet I try my best and pursue to make God look on me with more love and grace by do my things for him. Or opposite I feel shameful because of how much I sin. I feel so many times (including today) that I am they disobedient that doesn’t get to enter. I try and hide things from God. I try and do things for God with such a wicked heart as if he doesn’t know and I’m hiding. Noting and he means NOTHING is hidden from Gods sight. I lay naked and EXPOSED (John 8) before the Lord God. This is terrifying because I know who I am apart from him either by choice or naturally. I must and will give an account for my public and private thoughts, actions, and disobedience. This seemed like bad news and to an extent it is not very fluffy feeling, but the following verses says Jesus though tempted is and was without sin. That he sympathizes with me/us so we can approach the throne of Grace that we may find mercy and grace in our time of need. I keep myself from this throne because I stay stuck in my sin and shame and guilt….God says I know…..I was tempted…..I didn’t sin cause I knew you would and will…..approach… is grace….here is mercy…..I must humble myself, ask God for forgiveness, and rely on the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of God. He knows and I can trust him.
Father God thank you for your grace and mercy when I don’t I deserve it….thank you God of creation for loving me. Convict me of sin and lead me to repentance and make me more like you Jesus.
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