Good Life Journal – Hebrews 9


Hebrews 9:27 And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.


This chapter serves as a reminder that Jesus will come again. When he does come, he will come to judge. I must prepare now for His second coming.

The description of the physical boundary in the holy of holies serves as a reminder that many know about God’s presence but few get to experience it. Christians are not in a world of the living moving toward death, we are in a world of dying trying to get to a world of eternal life. We must prepare now and be prepared for Jesus’ judgment so we can experience His presence and eternal life.


In the business world, I try to come prepared. I prepare for sales calls, for a business meeting, for interviews, etc. Sports teams come prepared to play an opponent. They watch films and have a game plan. They even change the plan during the game based on the results of the initial plan. In contrast, as Christians, we often just “wing it”. There is no spiritual planning. Believers to think they have plenty of time and often have no sense of urgency. Watching believers can cause non-believers to not trust in the Lord or realize the consequences of their actions. Why should they plan or worry about the future if we don’t set the example?

Each one of us will die. Then comes judgment. I must plan now. I must act now. Jesus will come a second time. I need to prepare now. I need to think long term but act short term. My short term actions must align with my long term spiritual goals. I need to look at the hurdles in my life that are preventing me from accomplishing God’s will in my life and that may be preventing others from knowing more about God through me.


Speak through me. In my actions and through my words. Help me to reach those that are not ready. Keep me focused on you and your will for my life. Help me to realize that everything I do today has an impact, good or bad, on you and your kingdom. Give me the wisdom to be a positive impact in the world today and tomorrow.



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