John 17:24“Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.”
What an amazing chapter. Here we get to know what Jesus prayed right before he was arrested as “… the hour had come …”.
What an earnest, deep, transparent, heartfelt, intimate prayer.
And what a rich verse. This verse had it all!
The who: “I desire”
The what: “be with me” & “see my glory”
The where: “where I am”
The when: “before the foundation of the earth”
The why: “because you loved”
Interesting also that Jesus uses the phrase “You have given me” twice in this one verse.
Once in reference to us, believers in Him.
The second time in reference to His glory.
We and His glory would be described as having the same source … The Father.
Not only is His glory a gift, but even we are gifts!
How incredible, also, that we get to see what Jesus’ desires were right before going to the cross.
And in this verse His desire is for us to be not only “with” Him, but to “see” His glory!
Again, so incredible as to be overwhelming!
So how is my prayer life?
I come back to John 17 with some frequency whenever I’m thinking about prayer.
The depths are never reached.
It only gets deeper.
I’m given to Jesus by the Father!
I often consider everything around me as a gift from the Father. … But even my very self? Indeed!
Whenever I’m tempted to think little of myself, I need to recall Who’s I am and Who I was given by.
Also, prayers are often full of desires & how amazing that I/We are part of Jesus’ desire in prayer!
His “desire” is for us to be with Him & see His glory.
Does His desire match my desire? I hope so.
What desires are my prayers full of?
My desire may be for locations & sights.
But is the location “with Him”?
Is the sight “His glory”?
And do I pray for my “desires” or my “wants”?
Perhaps not a subtle difference.
If the lord is my shepherd, I shall not “want”.
But if I take delight in the lord, He will give me the “desires” of my heart.
This prayer is full of the pleadings of Jesus for unity.
If I am “with” Jesus, fulfilling the very prayer of Jesus’ desire, perhaps my desires would match Jesus’ desires.
Father, may my prayers be more like Jesus’ prayers.
-Dan Shontere
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