Good Life Journal – John 2


John 2:5

 His mother said to the servants “Do whatever he tells you.”


Jesus had traveled to a wedding with His mother and His disciples. Wedding in those days were big deals. They often lasted days and to run out of food or wine would have been a major embarrassment for the host family and close to an offense of hospitality in the Jewish culture. Mary’s request to Jesus implied she expected Jesus to perform a miracle.  Her request to the servants indicated the same.    


Mary’s expected Jesus to perform some type of miracle.  I should expect the same. Not necessarily changing water into wine but expecting Jesus to perform miracles in my life.

I should do whatever Jesus tells me as well. In this story, the servants physically did everything Jesus asked. I should too. Doing everything He asks should always be my response to His will whether it is physically or spiritually doing something.

Mary did not tell Jesus what to do or how to do it. She just expected something to be done. I should expect the same type of change in my life when I listen and obey Jesus. I should not tell God how to do things or what to do, I should allow Him to change me based on His desires not mine.  


Father, you are an amazing God. You are a loving God that has shown compassion on me. Thank you for your patience with me.  Allow me to listen to you always and obey your words. Remove distraction and “noise” from my life that is not being delivered by you so I can hear you speak and you can guide my ways.


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