Good Life Journal – John 4


John 4:28-29

So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?”


Jesus does not care about norms. This story demonstrates several ways in which Jesus acted in a manner outside of the socially accepted norms. First, Jesus traveled directly through Samaria. By passing through Samaria he ignored social norms, religious norms and cultural norms. The Jews and the Samaritans despised each other, in general. Jews would purposely avoid traveling through Samaria even if it meant taking them far out of their way. The Samaritans were of mixed heritage (they married outside of the Jewish faith), had different cultural beliefs, different religious beliefs and customs, and were hostile to the Jews. Jews and Samaritans did not generally associate with one another. Second, Jesus spoke directly to a woman. This was not a socially accepted practice in those times. Third, Jesus drank from the woman’s water jug. The Jews would have considered him unclean for doing this. Yet, Jesus did not care. He did all of these things anyway. Anyone can spread the Gospel. In fact, it is sometimes the people we least expect who are the boldest. In verse 4 it states Jesus had to pass thru Samaria. This was not forced travel but divine intervention. Jesus knew he had to meet this woman at the well. God chose her to go into the city and tell others about Jesus. She was so excited that she left her water jug. She was able to share the news about Jesus and many people were saved as a result. Jesus picked a woman that society would say was not a model citizen. She was living in sin with a man who was not her husband, was at the well during a time to most likely avoid being seen or having to talk with other women. Yet, this is who Jesus picked to talk to and who went back and spread the news about Jesus to others. Her action caused others to believe.


Jesus showed that everyone is worthy of being saved. We have to be ready to reach out to everyone and anyone. Jesus spread the word in Samaria, speaking the truth in an area that considered themselves to be following the word but that had twisted the truth and added on to God’s word. They were a despised group yet Jesus showed love and compassion. He did not judge them, he showed them the truth. We have to be ready to defend the Gospel by knowing and understanding the truth to show people that are not following the word where they are being misled. The Samaritans believed that a Messiah was coming. They built and worshipped in their own temple. But somewhere along their path they had gone astray. I need to use this story as an example of what I should not be doing. I should not judge others. I should not have preconceived notions of what people can or cannot do for the Lord based on how I think they are living their life. I should not judge who can and cannot be effective for spreading the Gospel. Jesus picked a woman who was probably shunned and outcast by society to spread the news, He can use anyone. Who am I to judge someone’s effectiveness? Who am I to be prejudiced about how someone else is living their life? I should live as Jesus lived and that is by displaying compassion, love and forgiveness. Not judgement, prejudice or hatred toward others.


Father, we are often too concerned with what others think of us or will think of us if we don’t conform to society’s norms. Help us to realize that you can use anyone or anything to bring people closer to you. Help us to rid ourselves of prejudices and help us to live in love, showing compassion toward others, not judgement or contempt. You are an amazing God. You are a loving God that has shown compassion on me. Thank you for your patience with me.

-Paul Palmer


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