Good Life Journal – John 5

Journal John 5 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

Scripture: “I can do nothing on my own.  As I hear, I judge, and my judgement is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.”  John 5:30


Observation: This subject is admittedly a hot button within me because most folks take a weak view of what Christians are supposed to engage in concerning “Judgement”—mostly because the word “judgement” is thought of incorrectly.


Analysis: While reviewing today’s Bible reading with my wife this morning, the following 2 things popped out at me:

  1. It occurred to me that perhaps Jesus is saying that he judges (evaluates) and makes judgement  not subjectively (like He is engaging in personal likes or dislikes), but OBJECTIVELY because He is evaluating according to the Will of God.

Now, applying that to bone-headed me, I must think that when my “moral code” rises up within me and I have a “righteous indignation” moment, PERHAPS I am not applying the Gospel to others as I have applied it to myself.  Perhaps “righteous indignation” is a clear sign of usurping the authority of God and taking it upon myself to engage in condemnation of others.  Something I need to think about…

  1. The issue of translations.  Short story: A long time ago, I had a dear person in the Lord as an acquaintance.  I pointed out that they weren’t aligning to the Scriptures in a certain way.  They quoted: “Judge not, lest you may be judged” (Matt 7:1), basically saying, “Get your nose out of my business, you have no right to speak to me about this and condemn me.”  With that attitude, the scripture could be rewritten, “Condemn not, lest you be condemned.”

That just didn’t seem right.  Now, to be sure, my memory is a little fuzzy and I am prone to see myself in a light that was better than it probably was.  However, no matter what my attitude was, it sent me on a word study of “judgement.”  This is what I found:

The word normally translated “Judgement” are in reality two different Greek words: One is Krinomeaning: Judge, decide, evaluate, hold a view, make a legal decision, condemn.  The other is Krisis, meaning verdict, condemnation, justice, judgment.

To my mind, the word Krino is the word I should understand as “evaluate” and the word Krisis is the word I should understand as “condemnation.”  Question: Which word should I normally be engaged in using and which one (if I use it) usurps the authority of the Sovereign God?  Exactly!!  And maybe engaging in “righteous indignation” is the evidence of usurping God’s Authority?

Just questioning.  I know there are at least two other Greek words involved with “judgement”—which I need to thank God that there are Men of God called to this scholarly pursuit.  I am confident, however, that to use “evaluation (krino)” because God gave me two eyes and a mind isn’t bad.  It is when I slip out of love for my brother and into condemnation that I am going big time down the road of unrighteousness.

Exercising “Accountability” may be found here: Be honest, open, candid with honorable concern, merciful practice, and with fierce personal transparency.  This goes for the one needing accountablity and at the same time the one trying to exercise accountability on their brother.

Pray for our church leaders, because upon their shoulders lie the responsibility of engaging and executing Church Discipline.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, hopefully I followed your nudge this morning.  Ahh, how can I review my convictions regularly?  Certainly, this is still an area I must work in to increase my reflexiveness towards righteousness.

Love you, Spirit.


Ricky Two Shoes