Good Life Journal – Luke 14


Luke 14:11 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”


Jesus uses the example of being invited to a party and instead of choosing the seat of honor and being asked to move from it, to choose the seat in the back and possibly be asked to move up. It’s hard for others to honor you when you are honoring yourself.


Our culture teaches us to get ahead, push our agenda, and care little for others along the way. If you want something, go for it at all costs. However, King Jesus teaches us the opposite. Instead of living a life climbing for the top, live a life of serving. Contentment is not found in accomplishing a level of popularity and honor, contentment is found in obedience and in humility. People who exalt themselves will
be humbled. It’s hard to exalt someone who is already doing it on their own. Yet we we find someone who is spending their life in humility, it is that person we want to promote and celebrate.

A couple things…

In what ways am I exalting myself today?
How am I humbling myself today?


Father forgive me when I exalt myself. If I truly know who I am in you, I would not seek a higher place of honor. There is no more honorable seat than that of a child of God and a servant of the Most High. Let me live knowing who I am and be freed up to serve others as you did King Jesus.


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