Good Life Journal – Luke 20


Luke 20:17 But he looked directly at them and said, “What then is this that is written:
“‘The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone’?


Jesus tells a parable intended on confronting the ruling Jews of their mistreatment of the “servants” (prophets) and their future blunder of murdering the “son” (Jesus). Then Jesus tells them that the inheritance would taken from them and given to others. He finishes by addressing an Old Testament passage that refers to the messiah. Jesus is the chief cornerstone that the builders had rejected.


People are greedy. People are selfish. People don’t want to be told what to do. People don’t want authority. People don’t like to be told they are wrong. This isn’t just a “people” problem in the Bible, its an us and me problem today. Jesus confronts the sin, disobedience and defiance of the ruling Jews. He confront mine today as well.

A few things…

-Everything I have, I am a steward of. The field, the blessings, the relationships, my family, the ministry is not mine. I have been called to care for the people and the stuff God has given me. It belongs to Him. I must not forget that.

-If I get this twisted God will confront me. I must be willing to be corrected when I am off. I am not the cornerstone. I am not holding everything together. That’s His role. When I try to do it myself I must be corrected.

-Regardless of my rejection of Jesus, His title, position and authority doesn’t change. Regardless of when others reject Jesus, His title, position and authority do not change. He is the chief cornerstone and always will be.


Father thank you for the reminder of my foolishness, your authority and your sovereignty.



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