Good Life Journal – Luke 21

For it will come upon all who dwell on the face of the whole earth. But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Jesus is teaching the disciples many things from sacrifice with the widow who gives what she has and warns them of all the things that are coming into the world. The things Jesus foretells them from persecution, death, earthquakes and much more is only a sign of what is actually to come and that is the Son of man. There is not an uncertainty that these times will come as Jesus foretells, he is making it clear that these times will come.

Times will come and times are here that weigh down on everyone who believes in the name of Jesus. As I read all of the terrible things that are to come I have a tendency to think it is only for the people who aren’t following Jesus that will experience the terrible things, yet Jesus says, “All” who dwell on the earth will experience these things. The next thing he says strikes me and speaks to me as I take life so many times an nonchalant. In life I can never let my guard down and never drift to sleep as these are the last days. I don’t mean last days like armageddon, rather I mean the Kingdom of God is at hand and I must be ready and getting other people ready. The urgency in Jesus’ teaching this morning has lead my heart to stay in prayer for this world and all the dwell in it.


Father, forgive me for not being urgent in prayer for the world. Lead me into a life that is awake and praying and give me an excitement to stand before you, The Son of Man.


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