Luke22:40-42 – There he told them, “Pray that you will not give into temptation.” He walked about a stone’s throw and knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet, I want your will to be done not mine.”
As Jesus prepares to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, he instructs the disciples pray the last verse of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:13). Jesus urges prayer to stand the test versus temptation from Satan. Jesus walked to a place where he was alone and knelt to pray to the Father. Jesus knew the impending suffering he was facing as the Son of Man and as a human asked if it could be taken away. Jesus knew God’s will was more important to be accomplished than His.
I must pray consistently as Jesus taught the disciples to pray in the Lord’ prayer. Satan is lurking and he knows the things that seem attractive to each of us. There is power in reaching out to God and asking for strength and deliverance through the spirit out of situations that are a path to death. I need to spend time alone in prayer to God humbling myself, on my knees in a position of praise and honor as I communicate with Him as He is holy.
I have my own wants, desires and time table of how I think things would be best for my life. My will is often not aligned with God’s as I would choose a faster way if it is something I want or could wait if it is something God is urging me to do that may involve sacrifice. My prayer daily has to be to let the Holy Spirt guide me to do His will here on earth as in heaven. I have to listen to God, be in his word, allow others to disciple me as I can grow into someone that can in turn teach/ disciple others. There is a path God has for all of us with many opportunities if we are obedient to follow Him.
Please help me to have a prayer life as Jesus taught the disciples. May my time in prayer keep me from the temptation of the evil one. Let you Spirit guide me to do your will with my life to further your Kingdom and bring you Glory.
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