Good Life Journal – Luke 22


Luke 22: 32 – “But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.”


Jesus is praying specifically for Peter not to lose his faith as he is soon to be arrested. Jesus already knows that Peter will deny him. Yet, Jesus tells Peter to repent, turn back to Him after his denial and use this lesson to strengthen the other disciples.


Our faith is not a one time commitment. Rather, our faith is a journey as we strive to follow Jesus. How encouraging is it to know that Jesus is pleading with God in prayer for us to keep our faith? There are times where we may be tested or have turned from God in our lives. Jesus knows we are going to struggle and fall but He offers Peter and us a second chance and more when we repent and come back to Him. Once we have repented from our sins, we should not keep this private. Jesus wants us to share our experience and life change to encourage others.


Thank you for your love and sending Jesus to die for my sins. Let your Spirit guide me to stay strong in the faith. Please help me to repent of my sin, turn back to you and use this to strengthen other believers.