Good Life Journal – Luke 24


Luke 24:6 “He is not here; He has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee”


This is Luke’s account of the women and later the disciples witnessing the resurrected body of Jesus. Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary mother of James arrive at the tomb and witness that the stone is rolled away. They encounter two angels who proclaim the words above.


“He has risen” is the central belief of our faith. To me, the second sentence, “remember how He told you” is just as important because it reminds us that God fulfills his promises. Jesus speaks of his resurrection many times when he taught in Galilee. As a matter of fact, God even promised this in the Old Testament. (Ps 22 & Isaiah 52,53). This is not just a case of God being smart enough to predict the future. Here we see an example of God’s promise to us. God makes it happen.
So, if God promises that Christ will rise and God fulfills that promise, I can have faith when he tells me that I too will rise and be with Christ in heaven. To me, that is my central faith in my belief in God. God delivers. Also, not only will God deliver on this “Big Promise”, he will fulfill all of his promises. “In all things, God works good for those who love Him”. Romans 8:28. If he will deliver on all of his promises, then I want to know about those promises. This drives me to study His word.

The fact that He is risen is so awesome. Even more awesome to me is that God promised it thousands of years ago. He has promised this for me too. Here is proof that God delivers on all of His promises.


Holy Father, thank you for saving us by giving us Jesus Christ. You are so powerful that you can have a plan for the world for all of time, yet you are still interested in me and in my salvation. I have faith in Your promise of everlasting life for me. I have faith in all of Your promises. Help me to live my life on the path that You have chosen for me, not the path where I want to go.


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