Luke 5:5 And Simon answered “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.”
Go into the deep meant he had to go far into the water and not just throw his nets closer to shore. Sometime we are called to do hard work. Not all of the tasks God has in store for us are easy or glamorous.
We often whine first before doing what God asks us to do. Jesus asked Peter to go back and work. He had worked all night, instead of sleeping. I am sure he was tired, smelly and hungry. But he obeyed Jesus and was rewarded.
I am similar to Simon Peter. I will question God’s “ask”. I often whine and want to settle for a compromise. I often look for the easy way out. This passage helps to remind me that Jesus could have just asked Peter to throw his nets out right where he was and it would have been filled with fish. But he didn’t. He asked him to go back to work. Go do hard work. Go do work that wasn’t glamorous.
Some people are called to ministry that may be hard. It may even put them in harm’s way. But there is a reward for all of us if we are obedient to His word, His way, and His calling. We may not initially be successful in what we are doing but if we are obediently following Christ, we will be rewarded.
Father give me the strength, courage and wisdom to live a life devoted to you. A life that doesn’t waver and stays true to your word, obedient to your calling. Help me to realize when my life and actions don’t match the type of fruit that you want to me to produce. Give me the patience to stay true to you. To honor you with my works and be obedient to your call.
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