Luke 9:23
If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Five thousand had been fed, the Christ had been revealed and Jesus made clear his near future would end in death yet be finished in the resurrection. Hope was coming and the clear call on the follows life was and is summed up in this verse in Luke 9.
This passage of scripture is amazing and claimable on the days it is easy. This is not a passage I claim on the days it is hard or temptation is strong and honestly interesting to point of sin. There are so many times where I don’t feel like myself is that bad. So many times I only view the denial of myself in clear BIG sin type situations. I do not view this passage in the clear view that all of me in my flesh is in direct opposition to God. ALL of me apart from Jesus must be denied. All of my wants and pursuits must be denied and laid before Christ to ensure the things of pursuit are what he has pointed me to and called me to. This is difficult for me and particularly difficult in our culture as we are persuaded to follow our hearts and dreams. Follow what YOU think God has called you to rather than follow what God has SAID to do. A couple things,
Denial only happens when something is offered. Take what is offered and line it to the Word to see if it is Jesus declaring or the enemy lying.
Anything that comes from my flesh is in opposition to God and MUST be denied.
Myself (My flesh) is in constant pursuit of fulfilling its needs, I must deny myself DAILY and walk with Jesus. This must start in his Word and in quiet time with him. This must also be consistent throughout my day. I can not just start my day with him and then forget about him.
Thank you so much for your Word and your Spirit that leads us to please you, Father. Help me to walk in and through your Spirit. Forgive me Lord for sinning and help to deny myself daily.
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