Good Life Journal – Luke 22 39-71

Scripture : 

42 saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” 43 And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him.

Luke 22:42-43 

Observation :

Jesus is entering into the last moments of his life with his disciples and is nearing his arrest. He draws away from the disciples to pray and talk with his Father. It is powerful to see the humanity of Jesus come forth followed by obedience and then the answer of the Father all in two verses. 

Application : 

1. Jesus though fully God is fully man. He was in agony and he was fully aware of what laid before him. Pain especially physical is not something we run to willingly yet Jesus did for the sake of us all. That doesn’t stop him from asking the Father who he knows and is one with if there was another way. This isn’t a question of Jesus not being all knowing or Jesus not being divine as he questions the Father, this is Jesus having a conversation with his Father asking if it could be done differently. Yet, the response to Jesus is simply I trust you and submit to you Father. 

2. The Father answers his Son by strengthening him. So many times I ask God for things and different ways to do things and his answer is so many times the strength to get through it rather than going through it at all.

It is ok for us to ask God if there could be another way. We must be ok and willing to follow that up with, God YOUR WILL not mine….That is where I miss it. I always ask God if things can go different but don’t say I want your will rather than mine…I want my way God..I want your way God as long as it lines up with my expectation and my wants and desires and dreams. This is not the action of Jesus. I want YOUR WILL FATHER.


Prayer :

Father, help me to trust you and you alone. Help me to follow you and submit my LIFE to you. Help me oh God and King. Help me. 


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