Good Life Journal – Mark 1


Mark 1:9-12
Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan.
And when He came up out of the water, immediately He saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on Him like a dove.And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my beloved Son, with You I am well pleased. The Spirit immediately drove Him out into the wilderness. 


What an amazing moment in the history of the Trinity!
God the Son is on earth being baptized.
God the Spirit descends on Him.
God the Father speaks His approval.
What an incredible picture of “on earth as it is in heaven”.
The Trinity all interacting with each other.
And what an incredible moment in eternity.
No doubt the Trinity interacted with each other for all of history eternal.
But here, we, mankind, are allowed to participate, as well. … “Jesus was baptized by John”
How amazing!
And what a picture of God’s character we see in this interaction.
Certainly, He didn’t “need” us.
He “wanted” us!
And I also find God’s character shine through in the timing of His “well pleased” statement.
God was pleased with His son BEFORE He went through His temptation in the wilderness.
He was pleased with His son for WHO he is, not WHAT he did.


I’m struck this morning again that this is God’s story!
This is not my story with God along for the ride.
There has been a plan from the beginning.
He allows me to participate in it.
This is incredible!
The Creator of all eternity wants me to participate in His unfolding of eternity!
And God loves me because of who He is, not because of who I am.
How often do parents, including myself, show their pleasure with their children only AFTER they have gone through a temptation or only AFTER they have an accomplishment.
The pleasure I have with my children is a reflection of my character, not theirs!
In need to remember this.
And I need to remember to never take the moments of interaction with my children for granted.
They also have a role in God’s unfolding story, and it won’t always be by my side.
I need to know how precious these times of interaction are.
And let them know how precious they are because they are a child of God, because of WHO they are, not WHAT they’ve done.


God, I thank you again today that you are a good father.
And thank you for your Holy Spirit’s constant reminder.
Give me your eyes to see my children the way you do.
Give me your heart to love them and everyone I come into contact with today the way you do.
In Jesus name.


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