Good Life Journal – Mark 2


Mark 2:14– And as he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus siting at the tax collector booth, and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he rose and followed him.


Jesus calls us right where we are in our most need, not when we are all “put together correctly.” Jesus wants us to follow him as he tells Levi, a despised tax collector. Levi’s response is to rise from what he is currently doing and to follow Jesus.


Everyone needs the grace and forgiveness offered through the sacrifice of Jesus to be reconciled with God. I do not have to be all cleaned up or to a certain level of theology. I do have to recognize that I am a sinner and need Jesus as my savior. Step one is to place my faith and trust in Jesus and begin to follow Him. As I follow Jesus, I must learn to be dependent on Him for His grace and forgiveness. As I submit more of my heart and life to Jesus, I am able to walk on a path of discipleship and change.


Thank you for your forgiveness and your underserving grace. Let me repent of my sin and recognize my need to follow you and not be self-righteous.



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