Good Life Journal – Matthew 12


Matthew 12: 7-9
7 And if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless. 8 For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.”


The Pharisees keep placing Jesus under their expectations. They view him and expect him to act in a way that they have said to please them not please God.


What the Pharisees didn’t know is the thing they were asking was before them. See Jesus was extending mercy to them as the sacrifice for them. Jesus’ words here convey the heart of God clearer than ever….though he placed a law in order for the forgiveness of sin in that time m, he knew that the sins of the world once and for all would be forgiven by The Christ, and he wanted people to know that the mercy of God truly changes hearts. Gods desire is not and was not the continued smoke of the sacrifice, rather the continued repentance of the sinner because of the mercy and grace of God. It’s God’s kindness that leads me to repentance. It’s when I know that God doesn’t cast me to utter darkness if I approach him because of his mercy and kindness. He doesn’t condemn the guiltless.
So my question to myself is do I seek mercy or do I seek ways to make it up to God when I sin? Do I repent and live in response to God forgiving me or do I keep sacrificing to make God happy?


Father my sins are obvious and my sins are laid bare before you. I desire my heart to change and desire not to sin. Help me desire to not try and do more good than bad, yet receive your mercy and live in response to that. My I extend what I receive.


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