Matthew 14:27 – But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”
The disciples were afraid from the wind and the waves of the storm. When Jesus heard the disciples cry out, thinking he was a ghost, He quickly assured them not to fear. Jesus tells the disciples He will provide strength to overcome danger. “I am, here” means God himself who is soverign over everything including the storm is present.
There are going to be “storms” in our lives where the wind and waves come crashing down on us. During those times, I need to be confident that whatever trial I am facing I am not going through it alone. Jesus doesn’t want us to be fearful. Rather, he wants us to place our faith in Him so through the power of the Holy Spirit he is walking alongside of us. If we trust God with the most important thing, our salvation, then we need to have faith to trust the ruler of all heaven and earth as we navigate through life.
Father, Please help me to have complete faith in you. Let me always remember you are there to provide strength no matter what I am facing. May I be a man who prays about everything and worries about nothing.
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