Good Life Journal – Matthew 16


Matthew 16:21
From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.


Jesus asks the disciples the famous question, “Who do you say I am?”, and Peter answers “the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. From the moment on, Jesus began to be very clear with them what his mission was and what was going to happen. The passion week of Jesus is in fact the exact reason He came to earth.


I love to study the teachings of Jesus. I love to read the scriptures of his interactions with the poor, sick and hurting. I love to see the way he treated the sinners and tax collectors. I love to hear stories of Jesus. However, my relationship with Jesus is most shaped by Matthew 16:21. Jesus’ Life on earth had a specific mission. This mission is the only reason I am spiritually alive and have hope. It is also the only reason I have a song in my heart and story to tell.

A few things…

-The problems and pains Jesus experienced through His ministry and furthermore during his final week leading to the cross, were the plan. They weren’t hiccups along the way, or unexpected. These were all part of the plan. (Hard/Painful doesn’t mean unexpected or bad)

-Jesus knew His mission, and it was still hard to accomplish. He knew the whole reason He was on earth and what He had come for, but He still asked the Father for another way if possible. In life, even if I know the plan, it doesn’t mean it will be easy or fun. (Don’t be immature and expect everything to fun and easy)

-“On the third day be raised”. I don’t care what I accomplish in ministry or what I learn theologically. I don’t care what accolades I receive or positions I hold. May my life never be about anything above this fact, Jesus is alive! This is in fact the greatest news and the story I have to keep telling. May I never pursue anything more than I do the embracing and celebration of your resurrection and the victory it provides. (Jesus is Alive, May this fact shape my life)


Father thank you for this insight this morning. You are so good to reveal the simplicity and power of the message of the gospel. Don’t ever let me get over it! May I prepare for the difficult and not expect my life to be designed for my comfort and temporary security. May I remember my life and experiences are to build faith and to believe and share the story and life of Jesus!


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