Good Life Journal – Matthew 17


Vs 5 – “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.”


Jesus takes Peter and James and John to the top of a high mountain where they witness the Transfiguration of Jesus. Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus. God the Father says He is pleased with Jesus and tells the disciples to listen to Him.


This is an easy scene to get caught up in the spectacle of it all. There’s a glowing Jesus having a conversation with a visible Moses and Elijah! Seriously! I can understand being mesmerized by it all the way Peter was and wanting to basically camp out for awhile.
And God describes His Son Jesus the same way He did at His baptism. But what catches me today is the simple phrase of instruction God adds: “Listen to Him.” God could have stated any instruction in the whole world here to mark what was vitally important.
He says, “Listen to Jesus.” Such plain instruction from God, Himself, that is so often shunned. I like the holy spectacles. I like digging into the mysteries. I want to camp out in the spaces of wonder. But plain old listening? Yes. The Father gives the most basic of instructions. Listen to Jesus. I don’t have a problem listening. I listen all day, every day.
But to what? A whole lot of what eventually becomes the teacher on Charlie Brown: “Whaa! Whaa! Whaa!” Listen to Jesus. His Word is a seed that produces growth and a well that never runs dry. How much of what I listen to produces maturity and flourishing? Yes, I need to listen to Jesus.


God thank you for your Word.
Thank you for putting in my heart and my mind.
Keep me thirsty for you.
Keep my ears open to listen when you speak.
Give me courage to respond in your will.
In Jesus name.


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