Good Life Journal – Matthew 19


Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


Jesus encountered a man who was very religious. He by all accounts must have been very well thought of and really had his “ducks in a row” when it came to spiritual life. He was a rule follower and a commandment keeper but as Jesus began to question him it was revealed that the man’s heart was not in it. Ultimately his heart and mind were set on his own riches and righteousness.


In my life it doesn’t matter how “put together” I am. Rule following and commandment keeping can be kept without having a heart devoted to God. God looks at the heart, I don’t want to be a religious rule follower but miss the Savior with my heart. Today, I long to have a heart after God and feet that follow.


Jesus let my heart be one that seeks after You today. Thank you that where I may fail you make the way possible by already meeting my greatest need!


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