Good Life Journal – Matthew 19

Journal Matt 19 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)


Scripture: “And behold, a man came up to him, saying, ‘Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?’” Matt 19:16


Observation: Everyone looks for a list…


Application: I know I do, and I know better.


What one thing, or multiples of things, can I do so I can be “in like Flynn” with God?


The attitude is insidious. No matter how “good” the task is, or how “good” I act, nothing I do (repeat: NOTHING) can get me into God’s graces. But I still think of accumulating “brownie points.”


Knowing this doesn’t stop me from thinking or acting like I can do something to bypass surrendering in faith. How, then, can I change my ways?


Scripture comes to mind:

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (which is your spiritual worship).


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good…acceptable…and perfect.” (Ro 12:1-2)


How can I transform my mind? One way is to “preach the Gospel” to myself—not just reciting John 3:16, but going through all the points that make up the Gospel…and doing that daily. Things like:

  1. How the incommunicable attributes of God affect my understanding of the Gospel.
  2. The atoning work of Jesus was all the Trinitarian God’s doing. My individual benefit is of no consequence.
  3. Man’s sin and the accurate definition is essential to correctly defines the extent of God’s execution of justice and the extent to which his grace is given simultaneously.
  4. Etc., etc.


My wife received a text this morning from a person she knows on the other side of the world, Thailand. The main point of the text? Explain the justice of God concerning those who have not heard about Jesus.


I tried not to tip-toe and provide a ‘saccharine’ gospel answer with my wife, opting to be firm in what the scriptures said without providing references (which I determined would create a barrier). It is relevant to know that the Gospel is the Good News about the atoning work of the Son (and includes Justice in not only Redemption but also Wrath).


Prayer: Jesus, thank you for your atoning work on the Cross. I get a glimpse (faintly) of what the elders might be feeling as they toss the crowns back at your feet, those same crowns you awarded them with. Crowns they accurately understood as not worthy to have.


Expand my understanding of the Gospel even deeper so that one day I may be able to explain it to a child.



Ricky Two Shoes