Good Life Journal – Matthew 24


Matthew 24: 113-14  – But the one who endures to the end will be saved.  And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Jesus is telling his disciples including us the signs of the end of the age.  There are going to be many false prophets who deceive and lawlessness where many loose their faith. Persecution will be increased during end times.  Believers who persevere in the faith will have salvation.  The gospel will go out to all the people groups so they have a chance to know who Jesus is before his return.

I have to remain in the word and have counsel of brothers/sisters in Christ to have wisdom and discernment so as not to be deceived by the evil one.  God’s word is my guidepost as it endures forever.  My faith must continue steadfast to the end as it becomes increasingly unpopular to hold a Biblical worldview.   God’s word will go out.  It is my responsibility to help carry the gospel to unreached people groups to hear the good news of hope in Jesus.  The signs of the end of this age give a sense of urgency to reach the lost as there will be a new heaven and earth but the word of God will remain.

Thank you for the truth in your word that it stands forever.  Let the power of the Holy Spirit guide me remain strong in my faith amidst obstacles and proclaim your gospel with a sense of urgency.