Good Life Journal – Matthew 26

Scripture:  Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and game it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.”  And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins.


I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”  Matt 26:26-29


Observation:  I am so used to this passage about Communion that I tend to read right through it.  I don’t pause, reflect, and ponder on the enormity of what is being communicated right…Here…


Application:   Here’s a stupid and irreverent thought: I wonder why all the stories are about the Holy Grail (the Cup) and none about the Holy Bread Tray?  Dumb, huh?


This kind of thought is indicative of what my heart is like concerning this passage of Scripture.


In reviewing this with my wife this morning I am struck on how I have made this section of Scripture a cliché’…I can immediately fill in the words; they roll off my tongue: “Take, eat, do this in remembrance of Me.  Take, drink, do this in remembrance of Me.”


And then I forget and go on to the next thing on the order of worship…


Why do I default to this being a cliché’?


Like what is seen in the next section of Matt 26, the disciples go up to Gethsemane, are asked to keep watch and pray AND three guys are selected out to go with Jesus further—asked to watch and pray even after Jesus bears his heart in confession AND…after what may have been a good 5-10 minutes of prayer, fell asleep.


The disciples fail to grasp the enormity of what is going on right now especially the three main guys: Peter, James, and John.


Why do I default to communion being a cliché’?  It is because I regularly fail to grasp the enormity of what is going on…because I regularly don’t…pay…. attention.


My confession this morning.


Prayer:   Lord God: One of the characteristics that you desire for me to develop is the reflexive skill of praying all the time…praying without ceasing. Seems impossible although I know it is not.  One of the obstacles that I encounter is this world I live in…and especially vacation and holidays…they distract.

Help me keep my mind steady on you.  AMEN.