Good Life Journal – Matthew 5


Matthew 5:16   In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.


Jesus is telling the disciples how to live a life of character that will point others to God.  We are not to be followers of Christ by living unchanged just like those who do not believe.   Through the power of the Holy Spirit within us, we are to cast His light into darkness.  We are to respond to the gospel, not to be saved but to love others to give the glory to God.  


They will know we are Christians by our love our love for others.  We are commanded by Jesus to love God and our neighbor as ourselves.  We are recipients of the greatest expression of love the world will ever know in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He loved first, therefore we love.  As Jesus tells the disciples, our response to the gospel is to serve others in good works not for self but to glorify God.  As a follower of Jesus, I can’t allow my light to become dim.  We are called to be different and serve where God has placed a burden on our heart.  Our action speaks louder than our words.  Sometimes just listening to someone’s story while serving those who are hurting can change lives and have eternal consequences.  



Thank you for your love, grace and mercy.   Let your Spirit guide me to live a life where I serve others to glorify you.  




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