Good Life Journal – Philemon


Philemon 1:8-9 Accordingly, though I am bold enough in Christ to command you to do what is required, yet for love’s sake I prefer to appeal to you—I, Paul, an old man and now a prisoner also for Christ Jesus—


Paul, though having the authority to command the church to action, instead chooses to compel them to action through a heartfelt plea.


This is a great leadership lesson in regards to church authority. Every day I have opportunities to speak into the congregation’s life. Every weekend I have the chance to lead the congregation through the Word. God has given me the authority to command them to action. I have also earned the right through serving as their pastor. However, it is best, and most effective to lead with the heart and not the hand. Just as Paul cares for the congregation, so do I. He longs to be with them and to share life with them. This is a great example to follow.

A few things…

-Just because a leader has the authority to command doesn’t mean he should always use it.

-A heartfelt plea in love is sometimes more powerful and effective than a stern command in authority.

-Loving people is a powerful force in leadership. It is also the most important commandment I have been given by Jesus. I must choose to love first before I choose to lead. May my leadership come first from love.


Thank you for this powerful reminder and leadership lesson. May I love people and the whole church well today. May my leading come from this love.


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