Good Life Journal – Philemon


Philemon 7 – For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the heart of the saints have been refreshed through you.


Paul is telling Philemon what an encouragement he is to him. The love of Christ pours out of Philemon to give Paul joy. Not only is Paul receiving joy but other brothers and sisters are given strength through Philemon.


Philemon’s life is changed by the gospel and the love of Christ. The love of Christ is the most powerful thing in the world that has the power to change hearts and lives. I need to receive the love of Christ and truly care, share the love of Jesus with others. If I am loving others well I am comforting those who need compassion. To be a good disciple to brothers/sisters I should always be an encouragement to them in their walk.


Thank you for the truth in your Word and the example of Philemon bringing joy to the apostle Paul. Let the power of the Spirit lead me to love others to encourage them and glorify you.