Good Life Journal – Philippians 1


Philippians 1:19 for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance,


Paul addresses the church Philippi and makes a clear statement about how God’s will unfolds. God’s will unfolds by the prayers of His people and Spirit of Jesus.


There are usually two sides of the will of God debate. One is that God is gonna do what God is gonna do. I appreciate that viewpoint. God is God and he is on the throne. However, many in this camp don’t value or understand the responsibility we have to pray for God to move and how our prayers are Part of the process. In the other camp, God’s will becomes what our will is, if we pray enough. I appreciate the desire to move the heart of God, however, it assumes God doesn’t already have a plan and somehow needs our prayers to figure out his next step.

What we see in this passage is God’s will unfolds as we pray. He doesn’t require our prayers but chooses to include us. He invites us to join with him and to unite our hearts with His as He reigns over the Kingdom. What an honor it is to pray and see Him move. He wants to hear our prayers. Our prayers don’t change his character, they join His heart. A few things.

-Pray like it matters, because it does.
-Recognize that He has a will and seek it with your prayers, thoughts, words and actions.
-Pray for others, not just us. (Context)


My prayers matter. You use them. You don’t need them, but you ask me to pray and choose to allow them to be part of the unfolding of your will. I pray today for strength and deliverance for the saints across the world who are persecuted. I pray for unity in our divided nation. I pray for love to reign and for politics, policy and agendas to be revealed for what they are. I pray for my lost friends, family and neighbors. I pray for their salvation and for new life to be found in you. I pray for wisdom to lead well. I pray for a yearning for your word and for pure fellowship with your Holy Spirit. I pray for my day today as I invest in potential planters. May I lead and model is grace and truth. I pray for our Good Life Family and leadership. For a desire to grow and an effectiveness in mission. I pray for my family, for resolution to conflict, love to reign and joy to mark our day.



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